I have one question for you….
Do you remember your first flight.. or even vacation?? Well…
I equate flying to those memorable moments like: first riding a bike or driving your first car; you never forget your first flight and where you went.
For me, my first flight I remember (assuming you’ve read About Me) was to the Bahamas!
I was 22 years old.
I had been to the island before, on a day to cruise as a kid. The family nicknamed it the “Bruise cruise”, it was that terrible!
So the experience was not the same, memorable, but not the same.
On the flight, I can remember being scared, nervous, excited, so many emotions. Luckily, I was traveling with “The Girls” (3/5 of best friends since grade school).
I think everyone’s first thought is…
I read somewhere your odds are 1 in 11 million if that makes you feel better. Anywho…
The youngest out of the group was getting married. So the rest of us were bridesmaids (That’s me in the middle) The trip was a life changing experience, and I wasn’t the one getting married. The irony!

I decided Traveling would become a Priority, and it was!
By this time I had already had Jacari and Jordan, I knew I wanted them to have the same experiences. They will appreciate it more once they become part of “travel conversations.”
We try to make room for several trips throughout the year, rather it is…
Ship, plane, or car, we are always on the go!
So how am I a Travel Outlier???
Me?…Are you ready??
I am a:
black woman, who was a teenage mom, a college dropout, who married young (24; we’re still kicking it) had 3 children, became a football mom, a cheer-leading mom, who somehow went back to school, got a degree, while working full time… who used travel to grow!!
The Travel…Outlier
I’m sure you could use one!
I am taking my first flight, my husband and I are traveling out of the country for the first time in May! Super excited, but i need a travel to do list and not to do list.
Sounds fun! Where are you guys headed?
We are headed to Jamaica!
I am so proud of you! #DreamTravelLive
Thank you soooo much. You have no idea how much that means!!! Stay tuned….
My first flight was to Cancun Mexico with my then boyfriend who is now my husband of 15 years. The flight wzshiid going over. Coming back I decided to sit by the window and I got sick. After that I was afraid to fly again until I turned 39 and went to Vegas on a girls trip. I still had the fear of flying even then. When I was offered the chance to fly to China on business almost 2 years ago I almost let my fear discourage me. I ended up taking a risk to fly 15 hours with strangers and it was actually a very good flight both ways. That was the end of my fear of flying. I figured if I can travel that far alone, I can go anywhere on a plane and I’ve made several trips by air. Now it’s my preferred way to travel.
As soon as I get on the plane, I knock out. It’s the best sleep to me ever lol! China sounds amazing that is on my bucket list!!!
I’m ready to travel and create memories with my girls! Are there certain times of the year to travel at affordable prices? Do you do your own research when you travel, or use a travel agency?
It is the best thing ever!! With so many options travel is more affordable then what people think. Urban legend (lol) will say the best time to purchase plane tickets are on Tuesday, but I found it really just depends on where you are traveling too. The seasons when people usually travel like summer you’ll find higher rates. I usually do my own research and I mean hours and hours (but I’m obsessive with it lol) Stay tuned for travel tips and tricks!!!!
Yassssss Pooh!
My 1st flight was maybe in 2000 cant remember but I just had to get on her to show you some ?
Sooo proud of you
Thanks for reading!!.. Continue to read maybe i’ll convince you to take a trip lol….
My first flight was from Jersey to Greenville at the age of 4. I would definitely choose flying over driving any day. Can’t wait to see what you have in-store for us. I’ll definitely be watching.
There’s nothing like it (flying)!! Thanks for taking the time to read!! Please stay tuned….
So I’m sitting here getting my car washed and said wait… I never read her blog! So I begin reading and I am so proud of you and this blog. It’s really good and I’m not done reading I just started. My first flight was to NJ and I was 16 ?. I was so afraid but I refused to ride the bus again. I grew to love it and have been flying every since. I can’t even count my flights anymore. My next flight is To Aruba next month! ?
YESSSSSS MA’AM I’m excited for you. I’ll be expecting all the details. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it that means so much!!
Pooh my first flight was out of Charlotte to Jamacia!I wasn’t scared and I have been flying every since in 2008 I flew to Spain alone and I enjoyed it!Love reading your blog and can’t wait to see what kind of deals you can find for me!Congrats so proud of you?
Spain is on my bucket list. Thank you for taking the time to read. ?
There’s so much of the world to explore. Most of our most memorable moments are spent abroad. So happy you’re living your best life. ❤️
You’re exactly right! You just never realize how big the world is until you step outside of your self. Thanks for taking the time to read and going further by commenting, it means a lot. I hope you continue to follow!