I believe traveling is important for my mental health, some people hangout for mental relief/ stress reliever as a Travel Outlier… I travel.
– Chardae’ Whitner
As a teen mom, I felt I lacked a mentor or someone I could identify with when it came to my dreams/ future. I would like to offer a non profit organization for at risk youth girls that encourages/ assist them with continuation of post-secondary education and career development. Our queens in the making are forced to be reckoned with when provided the proper tools. I want to be an asset in providing these tools.
I would say my kick that got dreams and exploration of traveling going was my wedding. Okay…so this is kind of corny, but my husband and I always talked about the Martin episode when him and Gina wed in the Bahamas and how that was our dream wedding. Well in 2009, we made our dreams come true, we traveled to Bahamas to become 1 (I was blessed to have you as a part of my wedding party). We stayed at and allowed Sandals Resorts to host our wedding. From there, my husband and I immediately fell in love with all-inclusive travel. From his prior service in the Navy he had traveled globally before, but Sandals offered something he had never experienced before.

Traveling has made such a great impact on my family. With the way technology has taken over our lives, all of us are usually glued to some type of electronic device. When we travel, we limit technology and focus on enjoying the experience with each other. This allows us to have genuine intimate moments and memories. I tend to not have a lot of photos of my traveling because I believe in living in the moment and enjoying what lies before me.

I would say I am a Travel Outlier because traveling is a necessity for me, therefore I try to implement travel a few times throughout the year. This generally consist of 1 international trip and a handful of domestic traveling. I believe traveling is important for my mental health, some people hangout for mental relief/ stress reliever as a Travel Outlier… I travel. Traveling allows me to unwind, explore, and elevate my life experiences.

The Travel Outlier
Chardae was a teenage mom by the time she turned 16. She went on to graduate from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. Currently living in Florida with her husband of almost 10 years and 2 children, she attends Pharmacy School and set to graduate in 2020.

Awwwww Alecia. I absolutely love this. Just know that you inspire me so much and I love what you are doing with The Travel Outlier. I know great things are coming for #TTO. I love you girl. And as always…..Dream… Travel……Live…… Repeat.. (life motto).