In a recent interview with Just’ N Tyme Products, (click here) a brand tailored for children that encourages creativity through children’s books and products, I was asked about some of our family tips for traveling with big families. Since summer is here and the children are out of school, for most families a trip to …
Let’s Go to Carnival… No passport required PT.2
Assuming you’ve read Part 1, then you’re already familiar with Carnival. If not, I would suggest you click here to catch up lol. But, to save time I will bring you up to speed. Carnival is a event, celebrated throughout many Caribbean Islands. Masqueraders from everywhere come to together to hit the streets for the ultimate …
“Ya Mon.. I went to Jamaica!” – Meet Maria
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Jamaica??? The People? Beautiful sandy beaches? Reggae? Bob Marley? I mean I can go on and on. Even if you’ve never been, I’m sure you’ve probably heard of some of the things mentioned right?! Well for me, I’m reminded of something a little …
Let’s Go to Carnival… No Passport Required
I was first introduced to Carnival while seeing Rio. Ok… no I haven’t been to Brazil; however, it was added to my bucket list after watching the movie with the kids lol. In many of the Caribbean Islands, Carnival is celebrated throughout the year. Each island adds their own unique spin, while still holding on …
Is Cheaper Really Better?
I’ve always been the type of person to pay for what I like. If convenience is an extra charge, here’s my card. I approach travel the same way. However, being a family of five, sometimes that’s not so beneficial. No one stretches the dollar like a mother. You must cut corners and sometimes cheaper is …
15 Hours in Dallas
One of my favorite movies as a child is Home Alone. My favorite scene was when the family was running through the airport trying to catch their flight. I can remember thinking, that looks so fun and exciting. I didn’t take into account the thoughts that were running through the McAllister’s’ mind as they were …
NOLA- The Family Guide
This year for Spring break/ Easter Holiday, the Outliers decided to hit the road again. What started out as a trip to Destin, FL ended up being a family trip in the opposite direction to New Orleans, LA, and probably one of the best vacations we’ve ever had! Here’s How it Happened Due to poor …
One Man Can Change The World
So lately, I have been running into two familiar faces. Everywhere I turn, there they are. Even my family and friends see them out. They’re always wearing the same color too. One, nothing but gray, all gray. The other, not too different, black, all black. Weird right?? I noticed that when they’re around, I’m not …
Spend Your Time Wisely Challenge
Time…. We spend our younger years trying to speed it up, and our older years trying every method to slow it down. The older we get, time just seems to pass us by, and lets face it, there’s never enough time in the day to do anything….. or is there?? I’ve had several conversations this …
A Moment of Peace in CUBA- Meet Reggie !!
The universe has a way of showing us things that are destined for us. I like to think of them as little signals in the world. Sometimes, they’re presented very subtle and then there are those times where they practically smack you in the face. At that point, you can choose to receive them or …