The universe has a way of showing us things that are destined for us. I like to think of them as little signals in the world. Sometimes, they’re presented very subtle and then there are those times where they practically smack you in the face. At that point, you can choose to receive them or …
At any give time you will find me quoting somebody’s rap lyrics or movie line. Really if you think about it though, it’s a very accurate statement. Everyone lies, some more then others, but I think you get my point. However, with numbers, we can count on the consistency. I’m a numbers gal, so I can appreciate consistency.
When will 2+2 ever be 5 ?
We even use them to prove our point. After all there is power in numbers, right? So I figure if travel is not a priority already, here are some numbers as to why it should be…
5 Reasons Why Traveling Should Be a Priority
1. Jobs
We can all benefit from more jobs. That’s why it’s number 1 on my list.
Travel is the 7th largest employer in the private sector
It’s responsible for a little over 15 million American Jobs, rather directly or indirectly
1 in 9 of American Jobs in the private sector is supported by travel
Travel is driven by you, me, and everyone else who participates. So consider it your economic duty to travel.
Did you know? The $$ you spend abroad is considered a Travel Import… And $$ spent by International Visitors here in the US is considered a Travel Export
2. Healthier
So now that we have solved America’s economic crisis (not really but it’s start), lets move on to a more healthier reason. Studies have shown, traveling increases your chances of a healthy living!!!
Women who vacation 2x’s a year show a lower risk of a heart attack than women who only travel every every 6 yrs
For men who do not travel annual, there’s a 30% increase of heart disease.
“A vacation a day, will take the heart attack away”
3. Stress
I think one thing we can ALL agree on is Stress Kills!! It is one of the leading causes of death in America bringing alone the rest of the family like:
heart attack,
heart disease,
the common cold,
Just being able to take a break away from those “stressors in life” slows the aging process and can be used as a antidote to some of life’s ailments. That’s probably why 93% of Americans reported they feel happier after taking a vacation (obviously, right?). 82% believed they need a vacation even more during economic times.
4. Brain Health
Cognitive skills are those core skills your brain uses to do those simple things like: read, learn, think, reason, pay attention, and remember. Can you think of a time when all of those things happen at once??? Yep… Traveling
Those skills kick into over drive when your somewhere different. Think about it? Anytime we’re somewhere new, we forced to pay attention and even adapt in some situations. I mean really…..
“You have to keep your head on the swivel”
New smells, different languages, new foods, new surroundings, all of those things allow the brain synapses (nerve cells) to start firing and that tends to lead to creativity and inspiration. There’s a much deeper learning when you submerge yourself in a culture different from your own. Get those synapses firing (while snapping my fingers) and go somewhere Outlier!
“Travel is good medicine. Because it challenges the brain with new and different experiences and environments, it is an important behavior that promotes brain health and builds brain resilience across the lifespan.”
Dr. Paul D. Nussbaum, PH.D, ABPP
5. Self care
Simply put you deserve it. Studies show when surveyed, 100% feel like they need a vacation.
Thoughts to myself like:
We worry about so many things that are beyond our control (something I’m working on myself), being able to just press pause, and leave your troubles behind could lead to a better lifestyle. Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t, and I like the odds traveling have. Who knows, you’ll probably come back with a better approach to whatever problem you were experiencing and it’ll be water under the bridge.
To wrap up our Valentine’s Weekend and another excuse for me to take a vacation, the Outliers decided to take a road trip to… Charleston aka “The Chuck” In Preparation: I absolutely hate packing, but I hate doing laundry even more. The two go hand in hand when your vacationing, at least for my house …
I’ve never been a fan of Sade’. I always thought the music was ummm a little depressing. My husband is a huge fan though. So today, for some reason as I was working, I decided to listen to the Best of Sade’.
Who am I kidding? It’s the Lover’s Holiday.
So to keep up with the mood of today, I had my r&b radio station playing while I worked. Sade happened to come on, and instead of turning it, I gave it a try…. I’m A FAN NOW!!!
I have been singing “this is no ordinary love, no ordinary love” ALL DAY … that and those are the only words I know.
but it got me thinking 2 things:
Why do we even celebrate Valentine’s Day?
What is the rest of the world doing today?
If you’re curious about the 1st question.. Check out the History below. It’s pretty interesting.
Did you know?
Americans spend $20 Billion on Valentine’s Day. Sheesh
As I scrolled through Instagram for answers to the 2nd question, it made me think about my own plans.
(Don’t forget to follow me by the way @The_Travel_Outlier)
For us, it was a Netflix and Chill night. It sounds simple but things are not always as they appear, especially with a 2yr old.
Today, my dollar did not go towards the $20 Billion. (Only because we’re headed to Charleston with the kids this weekend) So after work, I did my usual routine which involves picking 2/3 kids up from school, J brings Zoe home.
All I could think is “this is no ordinary love, no ordinary love”, the lyrics seem to be following me.
And like any love scene, with the music in the background right on queue, in walks J holding gifts for all his girls (Me, Jordan, and Zoe).
After eating, washing clothes, getting the kids (3) ready for the next day, and 3 unsuccessful attempts to put Zoe to sleep before she crashed on her own…
I ended up watching Netflix alone, with the smooth sounds of snoring in my ear from the mister.
My movie of choice was a new Chris Rock comedy special Tamborine. Definitely worth watching!!
About half way through, the tone started to get serious as he discussed his divorce. He advised the only thing a married couple should be doing is …..
having sex and traveling or Cumming and Going as he put it!!!
But it was real and it was honest!!
I took it as a sign to pull out the laptop and start typing. As I look over at my honey and I heard….
“This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love”
and started to smile. Nope we’re not ordinary at all!!!
This article may contains affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the link at NO additional cost to you Imagine… It’s Chicago 1949, you and your family have survived World War II, rather it was from military duty or at home dealing with LIFE’s ups, downs, twists, and turns. I’ll let …