So lately, I have been running into two familiar faces. Everywhere I turn, there they are. Even my family and friends see them out. They’re always wearing the same color too. One, nothing but gray, all gray. The other, not too different, black, all black. Weird right??
I noticed that when they’re around, I’m not myself. I can’t say they wear the same color when you see them, but I am sure you know them too. I believe they go by:
Fear and Doubt
See Fear, she’s really awful. She only comes around when she feels someone or something is dangerous. While her older sister Doubt, leaves you stuck, paralysis at its finest. There’s so much uncertainty when she’s around. The two together, bad combination.
I can respect Fear though. See with her, you’re forced to react and you get a choice, either fight or flight. Your body actually tells your nervous system to activate! It prepares you for the Jump… in whichever direction you choose.
I wish I could say the same thing about Doubt. She will try to kill whatever ambition you thought you had, and stop you from living the life you deserve.
One Man Can Change The World
It really didn’t hit me until I sat down to write this post who they really were … They were ME, different versions of myself.
Now how was it, that I was afraid of myself. Self Doubt, I believe is the biggest hater of all time. That voice will take us on a path that was never destined for us, whispering… “you can’t do it” the entire way. Or for me, that’s dumb nobody will read it. I realized that voice I hear will never go away. So why not go for it and just see. If you throw food against the wall, some of it will stick. That’s how I feel about success, it’s just stepping stones of small achievements along the way. The only person blocking that is you!
I was afraid of failure, but what I’m even more afraid of, is the thought of not even trying. Imagine if some of the greatest people stopped because they failed. They’re what I like to call “Outliers!”
Walt Disney was fired from one of his jobs for not having “enough imagination”.
Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.
Alecia Brockman was a college dropout, a mother, and wife, who created The Travel Outlier which helped uplift millions, while they traveled the world. (just putting it out there)
Thoughts to myself like: (as the music fades lol)

I had a very good friend that would call you out on your BS. If I was complaining she would tell me “Get Your Life”. When I was out of a job for an entire year, she was the one telling me “It’s just not your time.” We used to all get together to play Spades and sit around talking about life, our children, financial planning, husbands, bfs, or as she would say “Hers wasn’t born yet” lmao.
Her name was Laysean, she was a twin. I called her Layyyyyyyyyy. She was loud, full of life, and really just DOPE. She had started her weight lost journey and was on the road to becoming the BEST LAY. ALLLL SUMMMER ‘17 she used to say, she loved Drake. To start the year (2017) we were planning a trip together bc I missed her 30th Birthday (Oct) to Miami. Unfortunately, she passed away a month later. I thought we had time, but we didn’t. We never did! The only time is NOW. So I’ll be damned if I let something like fear or doubt stop me… Pooh get your life!!!

Am I afraid!?…. Absolutely! but it’s either now or never, cliché I know, but it’s very serious. So when you see the logo… Just ask yourself one question: What opportunity did I not take because I doubted myself?? … Then DO IT!!
As Always,
I have heard, “don’t go to the grave full, go empty”. I want to die empty, fulling pursuing all the things God has for me. Love the article.
I love that quote!!! #Byedoubt
Soooooo um yea you lied I cried lol I just miss my friend!!! So thankful and blessed to still have y’all!!! keep writing and I’ll keep supporting ??? she would be sooooo proud of you and would be reading more than we do (she loved to read)
#Alwaysusneverthem… I love you friend!!!
?POOH GET YOUR LIFE!! #LLLayyyyyy #ProudCousin
Exactly lol! Thank you cousin!!!
After reading this I’ll def be, “getting my life!” Like literally hopping out the bed to get my life! Every time doubt starts to set in I’ll repeat, “Get your life!” This def did something for the kid. Thanks a lot for this! Much luv always