Let’s be honest, we’ve all skipped on that insurance to save some extra cash. This especially holds true with travel vacations. I know for us, we would usually decide where we’re going and pray nothing gets in the way of our plans. Now of course this was Pre COVID. In a world Post COVID, I wouldn’t advise you to do that.
Now I know what you’re thinking, “if it’s just a weekend I’ll be okay, what’s the worse that can happen? Well I’m here to tell you as a travel advisor the worst can happen and it will! On a client’s recent trip to Houston we learned just what that worse means. Here’s what happened…
Very early morning, on the day they were set to depart, they received the dreaded email saying, “Your flight has been canceled”. Immediately they contacted me, and since the flight was canceled, they were not able to check in. I advised them to go straight to the airport. In cases like this one, it’s usually the quicker the better. Once they arrived, they were put on stand-by for the next flight. Unfortunately, so were 12 other passengers who were there before them.
Just as luck would have it, everyone was able to board except the last two passengers. Even worse, it was the last flight available for the next two days; Spring Break in Houston was very popular this year. The only recourse American Airline had was to offer a hotel stay for the next two nights and two seats on another plane, United Airlines. However, the cost incurred to select these seats were not reimbursed. Another cost not reimbursed, the rental car my clients would need for the next two days.
So again, what’s the worse that can happen? Well, that!! Some things are unavoidable, at least with travel insurance you’re able to recoup any out of pocket expenses that comes with the territory.
Thoughts to myself like …
I hope this makes it to an American Airlines’ representative. I also know this could have happened on any airline. As destinations start to relax (or even do away with) their COVID protocols, travel demand is increasing. We have been on lockdown for two years, the price of oil is high, and airlines have been hit the hardest. So, things are going to happen. The best we can do is protect ourselves for those just in case moments. Travel is an investment and it should be protected.